We can't change the whole world. But we can contribute something to improve them a little bit!

Our goal is to give children a really fair chance to live their lives with dignity.

What was taken granted for many of us in our own childhood - a roof over their head, enough food, clean clothes and education – there’s a big shortage of that for many children in Kenya.
Unfortunately, this general problem cannot be solved overnight, but together we can make a start. We want to give abandoned, orphaned and neglected children a new home. They are cared for from their baby age up to their independence. Security, love, a well-balanced diet and medical care shall also be a part of the overall plan just like a good education from kindergarten through the school time up to the completion of an apprenticeship.
Therefore, we want to create a new home in form of an orphanage for about twenty-five children in Kenya (Africa). How we would like to manage this, who we are and a lot more can be found on this website. Here we try to keep you up to date of our work and also to give you later on some insight into our work and the lives of the children with photos and reports.
Of course, we are in need of support and look forward to every individual who wants to help us. Even the smallest amount will be gratefully accepted and always helps us in our work a little bit further.
How it all started, you can read HERE.
A big thank you from the founder of all founding members for the lovely support and personal commitment,
Achim Fuchs
Our backers