Weekly review…

7. August 2016
Good news…bad news…
21. August 2016

That was the last week

as so often it began with surprises. On Monday it was planned that we will concrete tomorrow. Targeted was Thursday. So we organized everything. Tuesday morning, all preparations have been completed, really all preparations? What about the drainage? We will do it now, they said quite succinctly. 10 men stood around and want to start concrete. Sometime later they get started. First there where no pipes have to be laid. The men and one woman toiled till late at night, 7 pm, then it was pitch black. A rest still has to be concreted on Wednesday morning. Then we wanted to water. Water from the tap? None. The fountain we are digging on, doesn’t bring enough water yet. Again I had to do a lot of phone calls, organized an oxcart and bring water with the cart. Thursday is quite easy, it is only to water :), with what? A squad of men is still producing stones and some were busy bending iron and binding iron baskets. Friday also… Saturday we finally got water from the tap. I have watered the plants, trees, foundations and the base plate all day. In between, I loaded a little soil in the wheelbarrow and filled the foundations. It was a beautiful day, very relaxing.

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