The best christmas gift…..
It was an unforgettable evening, which the conductor of the music club of Beltheim Wolfgang Zorn and of course the music club Beltheim had prepared for me and Home of Smile.
Top music.
But one after anonther….
Last night after my late shift, I received the surprising news of Wolfgang, that the Christmas concert, which is presented by the music club Beltheim in our church today, is in favor of Home of Smile. This was a big surprise. I think I was the only one who didn’t had a clue. Full of joy I went to the concert, because I was invited to briefly present the project.
There were more than 150 listeners. Anyone who knows me knows that public speaking is not my favorite practice. My pulse was felt at 250. After my short talk I could listen relaxed to the concert. It was truly a feast for the ears.
The music club renounced his fee, and invited the listeners to donate for Home of Smile.
Afterwards it was a cozy get-together in front of the church. The youth had provided some things for the physical well-being.
The audience followed in incredible ways the invitation of Wolfgang Zorn and the music club. And so they donated 1133.60 euros in total. I am still crying. I am deeply touched by so much support for my project Home of Smile.
I thank all donors for your recognition and helpfulness to give children who live far away from you a chance for a better life. You created a unforgettable Chirstmas for the kids and for me.
Special thanks to Wolfgang Zorn and the music club Beltheim, who have made this all possible.
God bless you.
To all of you I wish a peaceful, contemplative and merry Christmas, a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year…